BC-SCGT10- Brevard County Zoning Meeting - 09052024
09/05/2024 - Brevard County Zoning Meeting: A. Call to Order 5:00 Pm C. Pledge of Allegiance-Commissioner Rita Pritchett, Chair F. Consent Agenda G. Public Comments H. Public Hearings H.1. Adoption of the Water Supply Facilities Work Plan and rel...
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BC-SCGT10- Brevard County Zoning Meeting - 09052024
09/05/2024 - Brevard County Zoning Meeting:
A. Call to Order 5:00 Pm
C. Pledge of Allegiance-Commissioner Rita Pritchett, Chair
F. Consent Agenda
G. Public Comments
H. Public Hearings
H.1. Adoption of the Water Supply Facilities Work Plan and related amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. (All Districts)
H.2. Gerald Patterson (Raymond Burnette) requests a change of zoning classification from GU to RRMH 1. (24Z00022) (Tax Account 2000981) (District 1)
H.3. Home Nation Cocoa, LLC (Roxanne Comino) requests a change of zoning classification from AU to RU-1-11. (24Z00027) (Tax Account 2419394) (District 2)
H.4. Borrows West Hotel Developers, LLC (Marbet Lewis) requests a CUP for the on-premises consumption of alcohol in a PUD zoning classification. (24Z00030) (Tax Account 3030319) (District 4)
H.5. Paul & Laurie Ann Futrell requests a change of zoning classification from RU-1-7 to RU-1-11. (24Z00028) (Tax Account 2802480) (District 5)
H.6. Aaron Reninger (Kim Rezanka) requests a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (24S.02), to change the Future Land Use Designation from AGRIC to RES 6. (24SS00002) (Tax Accounts 2002219, 2002228, 2002229, 2002230, 2002231, & 2002232) (District 1)
H.7. Aaron Reninger (Kim Rezanka) requests a change of zoning classification from RRMH-1 to TR-3 with an amended BDP. (24Z00005) (Tax Accounts 2002219, 2002228, 2002229, 2002230, 2002231, & 2002232) (District 1).
H.8. Ibrahim and Haroon Realestate, Inc. (Kim Rezanka) requests a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (24S.08), to change the Future Land Use Designation from RES 2 (Residential 2) to CC. (24SS00008) (Tax Account 2317736) (District 1)
H.9. Ibrahim and Haroon Realestate, Inc. (Kim Rezanka) requests a change of zoning classification from TR-3 with a BSP to BU-1 with removal of the BSP. (24Z00023) (Tax Account 2317736) (District 1)
H.10. JEN Florida 48, LLC, requests Adoption of the 2023-2 Large Scale Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use Designation from RES 1:2.5 to RES 4 & CC. (Residential 1 per 2.5 acres) to RES 4 (Residential 4) and CC (Community Commercial). (23LS00001) (Tax Account 3000277, 3000368, 3000827, 3000829) (District 5)
H.11. JEN Florida 48, LLC (Kim Rezanka) requests a change of zoning classification from GU & AU to PUD. (23PUD00005) (Tax Account 3000277, 3000368, 3000827, 3000829) (District 5)
H.12. Villas of Sherwood, Inc. & Sherwood Golf Club, Inc. (Jorge Ballarena) request a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (23S.05) to change the Future Land Use designation from RES 4 to RES 15. (23SS00005) (Tax Account 2100937, 2100938, 2113021, 2111319) (District 1)
H.13. Villas of Sherwood Titusville, Inc.; Algarrobo Development, LLC; Sherwood Golf Club, Inc.; and TRSTE, LLC, (Jorge Ballarena) requests a change of zoning classification from, GU, AU, EU, SR, RU-1-11, RU-1-13, RU-2-10, RU-2-15, and PUD with two existing BDP’s, to all PUD and removal of two existing BDPs. (23Z00035) (Tax Accounts 2100937, 2113020, 2112021, 2113023, 2113024, 2100938, 2100939, 2100940, 2100942, 2100943, 2100952, 2100953, 2111319, & 2101061) (District 1)
J. New Business
J.1. Waivers of Subdivision Requirements, Re: Clover Townhomes (24WV00002, 24WV00003, 24WV00004, 24WV00006, 24WV00007) (District 2) Developer: Schwab Construction Group, Inc.
K. Public Comments
L. Board Reports
Categories: Politics & Civics, Brevard County, Florida