BC-SCGT12- Planning & Zoning - Local Planning Agency Meeting - 09162024
09/16/2024 - Planning & Zoning / Local Planning Agency Meeting - Space Coast Government Television 0:00 - Coming up next... 4:56 - Call To Order - 3PM 5:57 - Approval of Minutes - August 12, 2024 H. Public Hearings 6:28 - H.1. Recommendation to Board...
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BC-SCGT12- Planning & Zoning - Local Planning Agency Meeting - 09162024
09/16/2024 - Planning & Zoning / Local Planning Agency Meeting - Space Coast Government Television
0:00 - Coming up next...
4:56 - Call To Order - 3PM
5:57 - Approval of Minutes - August 12, 2024
H. Public Hearings
6:28 - H.1. Recommendation to Board of County Commissioners RE: Amendment to Chapter 62,
Article X, Division 6, Section 62-3751, Exhibit A - Stormwater Management Criteria;
Subsections 4.6(d) and 4.6(j), Brevard County Code of Ordinances, to allow
polypropylene pipe in the County right of way and provide for administrative waivers
for inverted siphons.
14:18 - H.2. Recommendation to Board of County Commissioners RE: Code Revisions to Chapter 62, Article XI, Flood Damage Protection, Division 1
32:05 - H.3. Stickrath Developer, LLC. requests a change of zoning classification from BU-2 to AU.(24Z00026) (Tax Account 2601599) (District 4).
33:18 - H.4. Put It In Me Storage, LLC. requests a change of zoning classification from IU to BU-2.(24Z00010) (Tax Account 2322557) (District 1).
35:06 - H.5. Robert Corbett requests a change of zoning classification from AU to TR-1. (24Z00016) (Tax Account 2410843) (District 1)
37:04 - H.6. Seiichi Noda & Kimberly A. Noda Joint Revocable Trust (Mitchell Goldman) request a change of zoning classification from AU to EU (Estate Use). (24Z00031) (Tax Account 2511132) (District 2)
41:34 - H.7. Edwin & Stephanie Silva request a change of zoning classification from AU to RR-1 (24Z00032) (Tax Account 2105526) (District 1)
43:49 - H.8. Judith A. Baker Revocable Living Trust requests a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment 24S.09) to change the Future Land Use designation from RES 1:2.5 to CC (24SS00011) (Tax Account 3000414, 3000394, 3000395, 3000396, 3000401, 3000402, 3000403, 3000405, 000406, 3000407, 3000408, 3000409, 3000410, 3000411, 3000412, 3000413) (District 5)
1:00:13 - H.9. Judith A. Baker Revocable Living Trust requests a change of zoning classification from GU to BU-2. (24Z00036) (Tax Accounts 3000394, 3000395, 3000396, 3000401, 3000402, 3000403, 000405, 3000406, 3000407, 3000408, 3000409, 3000410, 3000411, 3000412, 3000413, & 3000414) (District 5)
1:00:57 - H.10. Layton & Michelle Hodges request a change of zoning classification from AU to AGR. (24Z00034) (Tax Account 2100755) (District 1)
1:02:39 - H.11. Piercarlo & Christina Ciacchi request a change of zoning classification from AU and GU to all AU. (24Z00033) (Tax Accounts 2314742, 2314743, 2314744, & 2322851) (District 1)
1:05:15 - H.12. Tyler Gardner & Shelby Hines request a change of zoning classification from GU to RRMH-1. (24Z00037) (Tax Account 2406117) (District 1)
Categories: Politics & Civics, Brevard County, Florida