BC-SCGT22- Planning & Zoning - Local Planning Agency Meeting - 10142024
10/14/2024 - Planning & Zoning / Local Planning Agency Meeting - Space Coast Government Television 0:00 - Coming next up... 3:19 - Call To Order Approval of Minutes H. Public Hearings 6:47 - H.3. Michael & Bonita Osborne requests a change of zoning c...
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BC-SCGT22- Planning & Zoning - Local Planning Agency Meeting - 10142024
10/14/2024 - Planning & Zoning / Local Planning Agency Meeting - Space Coast Government Television
0:00 - Coming next up...
3:19 - Call To Order
Approval of Minutes
H. Public Hearings
6:47 - H.3. Michael & Bonita Osborne requests a change of zoning classification from RU-1-9 to TR-3. (24Z00038) (Tax Account 2409628) (District 1)
15:59 - H.4. Julia Bertot requests a change of zoning classification from RU-1-9 to RU-1-7. (24Z00039) (Tax Account 2300349) (District 1)
26:19 - H.5. Sol Vida Land, LLC requests a change of zoning classification from RU-1-9 to RU-1-11. (24Z00046) (Tax Account 3017131) (District 5)
30:05 - H.6. Mannarino Family Revocable Living Trust requests a change of zoning classification from RU-1-7 and RR-1 to all RR-1. (24Z00041) (Tax Account 2802503) (District 5)
34:13 - H.7. Frank Mastroianni (Jake Wise) requests a change of zoning classification from BU-1 and RU-2-10 to PUD. (23PUD00001) (Tax Account 2600118) (District 2) This item was continued from the June 10, 2024, P&Z/LPA meeting, and the July 11, 2024, BoCC meeting.
36:23 - H.8. Stickrath Developer, LLC. requests a change of zoning classification from BU-2 to AU. (24Z00026) (Tax Account 2601599) (District 4). This item was continued from the September 16, 2024, P&Z/LPA meeting for re-advertisement.
44:14 - H.1. Transmittal of a Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment regarding the Brevard Barrier Island Area (BBIA) as a new element to the Comprehensive Plan under the State Coordinated Review process.
1:18:03 - H.2. Transmittal of the Evaluation and Appraisal Review (EAR) based amendments to the Comprehensive Plan (24LS00002) to the State land planning agency (Florida Commerce) for review under the State Coordinated Review process established by Section 163.3184(4), Florida Statutes.
2:15:31 - H.9. Request for Recommendation: Amendments to Chapter 62, Article VI, “Zoning Regulations,” to Add a New Conditional Use Classification, “Accessory Dwelling Units,” and Specifying Conditions Thereto.
Categories: Politics & Civics, Brevard County, Florida