BC-SCGT35- Brevard County Zoning Meeting - 12122024
Brevard County Zoning Meeting - 12/12/2024| A. CALL TO ORDER 5PM C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Tom Goodson, District 2 F. CONSENT AGENDA G. PUBLIC COMMENTS H. PUBLIC HEARINGS H.1. RHR Construction & Development LLC requests a Small Scale...
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BC-SCGT35- Brevard County Zoning Meeting - 12122024
Brevard County Zoning Meeting - 12/12/2024|
C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Tom Goodson, District 2
H.1. RHR Construction & Development LLC requests a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (24.012), to change the Future Land Use designation from PI to RES 4. (24SS00012) (Tax Account 2320049) (District 1)
H.2. RHR Construction & Development LCC requests a change of zoning classification from GU and RU-1-11 to RU-1-11. (24Z00042) (Tax Account 2320049) (District 1)
H.3. Schwa Inc. (Kimberly Rezanka) requests a change in zoning classification from BU-1 to RA-2-4. (24Z00051) (District 2)
H.4. Christopher Espanet (Kimberly Rezanka) requests a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use designation from RES 1 to RES 2. (24SS00013) (Tax Account 2963382) (District 3)
H.5. Mahasu Associates, LLC requests a change of zoning classification from AU to RU-1-9. (24Z00009) (Tax Account 2419409) (District 2)
H.6. Ross and Dawn Buck request a conditional use permit for a private residential boat dock. (24Z00044) (Tax Accounts 2953085, 2953257) (District 3)
H.7. 3101 Gannett Plaza Ave, LLC. is requesting a conditional use permit (CUP) for Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises consumption. (24Z00045) (Tax Accounts 2602423 & 2602422) (District 4)
H.8. William M. Braselton, III requests a change of zoning classification from RU-1-7 to RU-1-11. (24Z00050) (Tax Account 2800475) (District 5)
H.9. Jorge & Olga Carolina Tabush (Clayton A. Bennett) request a change of zoning classification from GU to EU. (24Z00054) (Tax Account 2605989) (District 2)
H.10. Keleon Watkins requests a change of zoning classification from RU-1-7 to RU-1-11. (24Z00048) (Tax Account 2110707) (District 1)
H.11. KVK Management & Remodeling Services LLC (Keleon Watkins) requests a change of zoning classification from RU-1-7 to RU-1-11. (24Z00049) (Tax Account 2103672) (District 1)
H.12. The Viera Company (Jose Pazmino) requests a CUP for Commercial Entertainment and Amusement Enterprises. (24Z00047) (Tax Account 2631510, portion of) (District 4)
H.13. The Viera Company (Hassan Kamal) requests ADS for the Central Viera PUD, Parcel 3A. (24PUD00005) (Tax Account 2631510, portion of) (District 4)
J.1. Request for Executive Session re: Labor Negotiations
Categories: Politics & Civics, Municipal Spotlight