Between Lambs and Lions
UK Filmmaker and host of the Sutherland Report political podcast from Scotland, Mark Sutherland brings two fiction short films to the 1A Film Fest with Between Lambs and Lions and the Iris Echo. In a dystopian vision of the future, not far from now,...
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Between Lambs and Lions
UK Filmmaker and host of the Sutherland Report political podcast from Scotland, Mark Sutherland brings two fiction short films to the 1A Film Fest with Between Lambs and Lions and the Iris Echo.
In a dystopian vision of the future, not far from now, Between Lambs and Lions depicts leaders paying lip service to the democratic process in what is called the 'New Republic' - a shell of what previously was the Western world. Laws are ushered through the 'House' by unelected 'Members' who agree with unanimous choruses of “Ayes”, stripping the nation of its last shreds of transparency, liberty and democracy.
Categories: Documentaries
Director: Mark Sutherland