IrvingTX-020824-City Council Meeting
1. Call to Order 2. Citizens’ Forum - Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda. 3. CONSENT AGENDA 4. Item 23 - INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION Resolution -- Term...
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IrvingTX-020824-City Council Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Citizens’ Forum - Citizens are invited to speak for three (3) minutes on matters relating to City government and on items not listed on the regular agenda.
4. Item 23 - INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION Resolution -- Terminating FY2023-2024 Community Development Block Grant Agreement Between the City of Irving and Helen’s Project (Formerly New Life Individual & Family Services, Inc.)
5. Item 24 - Resolution -- Approval of Amendment #1 to the FY2023-2024 Community Development Block Grant Agreement Between the City of Irving and Visiting Nurse Association of Texas
6. Item 25 - Resolution -- Approval of Amendment #1 to the FY2023-2024 Community Development Block Grant Agreement Between the City of Irving and the Salvation Army, a Georgia Corporation
7. Item 26 - Resolution -- Approval of Amendment #1 to the FY2023-2024 Community Development Block Grant Agreement Between the City of Irving and Irving Cares, Inc
8. Item 27 - Resolution -- Public Hearing and Resolution Adopting Guidelines and Criteria Governing Tax Abatement Agreements
9. Item 28 - Ordinance -- Calling a Bond Election to be Held on Saturday, May 4, 2024 Making Provisions for the Conduct of the Election and Other Provisions Relating Thereto
10. Item 29 - APPOINTMENTS AND REPORTS 29 Resolution -- Appointments to the Building and Standards Commission, the Irving Parks and Recreation Board, and the Planning and Zoning Commission. Adjournment
Categories: Irving TX City Council Meetings, City Council Meetings