LL228-Thinking and Acting Systemically is Leadership not Management - Leading Leaders
THINKING AND ACTING SYSTEMICALLY IS LEADERSHIP NOT MANAGEMENT “ What is the difference between systematically and systemically? In simplest terms, something described as systematic uses or follows a system, while something described as systemic is...
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LL228-Thinking and Acting Systemically is Leadership not Management - Leading Leaders
“ What is the difference between systematically and systemically? In simplest terms, something described as systematic uses or follows a system, while something described as systemic is part of, or is embedded in, the system itself.(per Google) In other words, management is the application of systematic processes of thinking, controlling and conducting business. Leadership is influencing the system itself, specifically the system of people, their thoughts, behaviors, values and worldviews. Leadership must be systemic, effecting the entire system, culture and character of the organization itself. Like a virus’s, diseases or altered DNA, every portion of this system is impacted or infected by the presence of leadership for better or for worse. Be better.”
Categories: Business Coaching, Featured on Home Page
Starring: J Loren Norris