RN142-Steel News - Protect the Diamonds
STEEL NEWS: PROTECT THE DIAMONDS United Sovereign Americans (USA), a conservative group behind a concerted effort to remove voters from voting rolls across the country, filed a lawsuit targeting Florida’s voter rolls — the second such lawsuit the gro...
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RN142-Steel News - Protect the Diamonds
United Sovereign Americans (USA), a conservative group behind a concerted effort to remove voters from voting rolls across the country, filed a lawsuit targeting Florida’s voter rolls — the second such lawsuit the group filed this month.
In the Florida lawsuit filed on Aug. 19, USA — along with a host of co-plaintiffs including Citizens Defending Freedom, a voter and eight Republican candidates running in the upcoming general election — allege the state is violating the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) and state law by failing to remove ineligible voters from its voter rolls.
The group claims to have obtained information proving there were “more than sixty-three (63) voting system errors in the entire ballot tabulation for all ballots cast in the 2022 election in Florida” that led to “hundreds of thousands of potential errors” in the 2022 general election.
The complaint alleges there were a mass number of illegal votes cast because of duplicate voter registrations, inactive status and a host of other reasons. The lawsuit also argues the state is violating the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) because it exceeds the acceptable federal error rate in a state’s voter systems — one error in every 125,00 votes.
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Starring: Ann Vandersteel