RN155-Steel News - Fire in the Hole!
STEEL NEWS: FIRE IN THE HOLE! - Ann Vandersteel FEATURING: PETE SANTILLI - https://x.com/petersantilli GEORGE MCMILLAN - http://ravengeostrategic.com/ Pete Santilli is breaking bombshell stories everyday and is the heat seeking missile targeting the...
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RN155-Steel News - Fire in the Hole!
PETE SANTILLI - https://x.com/petersantilli
GEORGE MCMILLAN - http://ravengeostrategic.com/
Pete Santilli is breaking bombshell stories everyday and is the heat seeking missile targeting the deep state cabal. He is breaking the biggest story of his lifetime and this one will rip a hole wide open in their “plausible deniability”.
The son of [the man suspected](https://apnews.com/article/trump-assassination-attempt-florida-fbi-justice-department-1295144a65f46059ce39b4ccd7288fbc) in the assassination attempt in Florida against former President [Donald Trump](https://apnews.com/hub/donald-trump) has been arrested on federal charges of possessing child sexual abuse images.
Oran Alexander Routh was arrested this week after authorities searched his Greensboro, North Carolina, home “in connection with an investigation unrelated to child exploitation,” and found hundreds of files depicting child sexual abuse, an FBI agent said in court papers.
Investigators who seized multiple electronic devices found videos sent to Oran Routh in July as well as chats from a messaging application commonly used by people who share child sexual abuse material, the FBI agent said.
He faces two charges of possessing and receiving child sexual abuse material and is expected to appear later Tuesday in federal court in North Carolina.
George McMillan’s Raven Report is the premier sitrep for crucial up-to-date geopolitical, geostrategic, and geoeconomic developments. Raven Geostrategic monitors and reviews multiple public and private sources, aggregates key information, and ensures you stay informed without sifting through lengthy articles and unreliable data.
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Starring: Ann Vandersteel