RN91-Doc Chambers & Brad Miller on Deep Dive into Declaration of Military Accountability - Right Now with Ann Vandersteel
SPECIAL GUESTS: LTC “DOC” PETE CHAMBERS https://twitter.com/DocPeteChambers BRAD MILLER https://twitter.com/BradMiller1010 SHOW DESCRIPTION: Two warriors intent on holding their own accountable. Something the people in America have been waiting for,...
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RN91-Doc Chambers & Brad Miller on Deep Dive into Declaration of Military Accountability - Right Now with Ann Vandersteel
LTC “DOC” PETE CHAMBERS https://twitter.com/DocPeteChambers
BRAD MILLER https://twitter.com/BradMiller1010
Two warriors intent on holding their own accountable. Something the people in America have been waiting for, the military to clean house!
Categories: Featured on Home Page
Starring: Ann Vandersteel