Shorts-Debbie Georgatos Interview with Reggie Littlejohn - America Can We Talk
“Enough passed in the amendment to the International Health Regulations to establish a biotech surveillance police state globally, “a Digital Gulag” even without a Pandemic Treaty.” Reggie Littlejohn, President Anti-Globalist International and Women’...
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Shorts-Debbie Georgatos Interview with Reggie Littlejohn - America Can We Talk
“Enough passed in the amendment to the International Health Regulations to establish a biotech surveillance police state globally, “a Digital Gulag” even without a Pandemic Treaty.” Reggie Littlejohn, President Anti-Globalist International and Women’s Rights Without Frontiers; Co-Founder, Sovereignty Coalition, antiglobalist.net
Every country in the world now has to establishment of a National WHO Czar according to
International Health Regulations of the WHO. This means we will have an arm of the Government answering to the World Health Organizations and adjusting our domestic legislative regulations to comply rather than aligning with what is best for the USA!
To watch Debbie Georgatos’ full interview with Reggie Littlejohn go to America Can We Talk
Guest: Reggie Littlejohn is the President, Anti-Globalist International and Women's Rights Without Frontiers; Co-Founder, Sovereignty Coalition.
To learn more about Reggie’s incredible work go to:
Categories: Moments of Truth, Shorts
Starring: Debbie Georgatos