TDT07T-Truth is...Sometimes You Have to be Divisive - The Daily Truth
In today's daily truth I talk about a conversation I had with an old promo buddy of mine, Aaron Roy, aka Black Rambo when he asked me an interesting question about is he being too divisive in his posts. This conversation made me think about when bein...
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TDT07T-Truth is...Sometimes You Have to be Divisive - The Daily Truth
In today's daily truth I talk about a conversation I had with an old promo buddy of mine, Aaron Roy, aka Black Rambo when he asked me an interesting question about is he being too divisive in his posts. This conversation made me think about when being divisive is necessary for the purpose of truth.
Speaking class tomorrow night! Who is coming??? doubledownspeaking . com ! - Free to come!!!
#thedailytruth #truthwillsetyoufree #doubledownspeaking #speakyourmind #marketing #truth #doubledownstrategy
Categories: Lifestyle
Starring: Anthony Michael Russo