OBT07-The Impact of Human Trafficking on Your DFW Business - OffBeat Business TV
Does human trafficking impact your business? How would you know? In DFW, you might be surprised how close this crime is happening to your place of business. Host Susan Hamiton talks with Sandy Storm, Director of Strategic Impact with DeliverFund, to...
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OBT07-The Impact of Human Trafficking on Your DFW Business - OffBeat Business TV
Does human trafficking impact your business? How would you know? In DFW, you might be surprised how close this crime is happening to your place of business.
Host Susan Hamiton talks with Sandy Storm, Director of Strategic Impact with DeliverFund, to discuss how to spot red flags in child sex trafficking grooming, and what organizations and community members can do to about the ‘business triangle’ to end renting and selling human beings.
For books, training and additional information about how to stop sex trafficking in the DFW area, go to www.deliverfund.org or Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram or Youtube at @authorSandyStorm and @deliverfund.
Categories: Business Coaching, Featured on Home Page
Starring: Susan Hamilton, Sandy Storm