Live Up To Freedom

Live Up to Freedom is an LLC, with the expressed purpose of shining light upon global human rights atrocities, which include: the enslavement, rape, and beating of women; child marriages; and pedophilia, which is systemic under Islamic Law (Shari‘ah).
We call for freedom to the millions who suffer such human rights violations. We focus on helping women and children, through education, peaceful action, and legal means provided through the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights laws.

What We Do:
Education is our main means of action, achieved through:
• Social media sharing
• Analysis of Islamic source documents: Quran, Hadith and Sira, which prove that Islam is an ideology of conquest, not a religion
• Investigative journalism
• Public speaking events featuring subject matter experts
• Video and multi-media presentations
• Articles

2. Our secondary focus is direct rescue action, to help locate legal safe havens for victims who have escaped Islam’s tyrannical ideology abroad, as well as inside the United States, or elsewhere in the West. Our experienced international network of volunteers are familiar with humanitarian legal channels, by which these victims can seek freedom and justice in their home countries; and in extreme cases, we can aid them in petitioning for asylum.

Starring: Aynaz Anni Cyrus
Category: Patriot Perspectives, Featured